Inclusive Young Leadership Academy

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

1 day countdown to KIR Foundation Inclusive Young Leadership Academy (YLA)!

Invited schools should make it a date.

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.” – Vince Lombardi

On Wednesday, the 24th of May 2017, KIR Foundation will be holding the 4th Annual Inclusive Leadership Academy (YLA) with the objective of building the capacity of the newly elected prefects of twenty-five (25) Public, Private and Inclusive (Special) Secondary Schools in Rivers State. A total of 100 students will participate in the one day workshop.
The Inclusive Young Leadership Academy (YLA) is part of the activities to commemorate and round up the events of KIR Foundation’s Global Campaign for Education Action Month in this month of May. Last year, KIR Foundation organized the 2016 Inclusive Young Leadership Academy (YLA), for sixteen (16) public, private and special secondary schools and eighty (80) students participated.

The objective of KIR Foundation’s Inclusive Young Leadership Academy is to strengthen the leadership capacity of newly nominated and elected school prefects or students’ council in selected Senior Secondary Schools in Port Harcourt. Also, during the one day workshop, facilitators will make presentations on various aspects of leadership, awareness and advocacy will be created about inclusive education, teachers will be motivated to raise the next generation of leaders and the government will be encouraged to make education for all a priority in their development agenda.

The need for the Inclusive Young Leadership Academy cannot be overemphasized. The participants will be given the information they need to successfully influence and lead their peers. At the end of this one-day workshop, the young leaders would have improved their leadership skills and abilities.

After the 2016 Inclusive YLA, Michael Ejike, a prefect in Community Secondary School Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt in Rivers State, a participant and also the winner of the KIR Foundation’s Children’s Day Essay Competition said, “I want to be an exemplary leader, so I can advise my peers to be like me and have an impact on their behaviour”.

The Inclusive Young Leadership Academy (YLA) gives Keeping It Real (KIR) Foundation another opportunity to raise innovative leaders who seek to be exemplary and who would aspire to become global leaders in whichever platform of leadership they assume in the future.

Keeping It Real (KIR) Foundation

Author & Editor

Keeping Real(KIR) Foundation is a non-profit, social impact organization that is learning-oriented, disability-inclusive and youth-centric. Since 2011 KIR Foundation has reached almost 40,000 people and donated 31,907 books in 21 States, Abuja and Ghana by inspiring change through learning. Send us an email:


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