Friday, 3 July 2020

Three years ago, after the aftermath of the Boko Haram insurgency, we embarked on a journey together that took us to the remote village of Gilmari in the Hills of Mubi in Adamawa State to visit CDM Nursery and Primary School. We met Glory, Nathaniel, Miracle and their little friends who were toddlers in Nursery School. Their school was a makeshift structure made of bamboo poles and a zinc roof without walls to protect them from the weather and the floor was bare sand, exposing the little ones to health hazards. 

The 22 children we met on that day in May 2017, were eager to learn, some said they wanted to be teachers, nurses and doctors, professionals that this remote village really needs to pull them out of poverty. However, they had no learning materials, they were sitting on the bare floor and their teachers had no instructional materials too. The state of the school made the children fall ill easily and frequently with common cold, skin allergies and mild respiratory ailments. All these factors led to low enrolment, attendance and retention rate.
 We realised that the education of these children could not wait because each child in school and learning means direct success for communities like Gilmari and the world. Over the past three years, we are glad to announce that with support from donors in Nigeria and you; our GlobalGiving donors, the children and their teachers have been receiving educational materials like (textbooks, storybooks, exercise books, lesson plans for the teachers, erasers, pencils, pens, sharpeners and rulers), a proper school building with two classroom blocks have been built with permanent blackboards and the classrooms were equipped with 15 desks and a bookshelf, early this year. We are happy to announce that the number of children has increased from 22 to 62. Glory, Nathaniel, Miracle and their little friends are happy to go to school in a safe and hygienic environment.
We especially thank our recurring donor and GlobalGiving Partners whose continuous investment has assisted us to provide the 15 desks and bookshelf for the little ones in Gilmari. However, we still need $33,809 to ensure that the project continues and is completed. CDM Primary School Lainde still needs flooring, windows and desks. Kindly consider becoming a recurring donor and donate to our project; and please encourage your friends, family, and colleagues so that we can invest in more children like Glory, Nathaniel, Miracle and their little friends, especially in this Covid-19 season, to enable us to introduce the children to digital literacy and e-learning despite their remote location. 
 All donations are tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers to the full extent permitted by the law. Your donations will help us break the cycle of poverty by providing quality education for our rural beneficiaries.

Keeping It Real (KIR) Foundation

Author & Editor

Keeping Real(KIR) Foundation is a non-profit, social impact organization that is learning-oriented, disability-inclusive and youth-centric. Since 2011 KIR Foundation has reached almost 40,000 people and donated 31,907 books in 21 States, Abuja and Ghana by inspiring change through learning. Send us an email:


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